Bible Translation

The word of God is powerful to change lives. It has been our experience that the word of God translated into the native tongue of people is the most effective presentation of the Gospel message, and is essential for growing and maturing in faith. Without the translated text, it would be much less effective to reach people that may be disinterested in learning a different language. It is a great display of love and dedication, when effort is invested in learning their language and presenting the scriptures to them in their native tongue. As such, the Gospel message is more genuinely delivered and more likely to be received. All local ministries use the translated word of God for witnessing and teaching, while serving their needs in love.

Cabécar Bible Translation

The Cabécar bible has been a long journey and faced several obstacles along the way. Thankfully the New Testament was finished and we have a quality printing in circulation today. The Jesus Film has been produced with this translation is available in Cabécar and used for witnessing.

Timothy Jones has lead this project over several years and he is working with a team of four Cabécar to translate the Old Testament. He has trained the translators to work with the software and tools needed for the rough translation. Timothy studied Hebrew and verifies the translation with the manuscripts, and works to refine the grammar, consistency, and quality of the overall translation. Translation work continues and the goal for 2020 is to publish the New Testament with the Pentateuch, Psalms, and Proverbs.

Project Lead: Timothy Jones
Supported by: Cabécar Translators(4), Ruth JonesDavid Jones
Project Needs: Financial Support: about $1,200 USD per month
to pay salary for the translators
State of the Art Laptops: to run the translation
software and manuscript libraries ($1400 USD each)
Print Production: we will need about $6,000 USD
for the expanded printing

Bribri Film Project

About 15 years ago, Wycliffe completed the translation of the Bribri translation and the mission family continue to assist with ministry among the Bribri people when possible. Presently there is a desire to produce a version of the Jesus film from the Bribri translation, which they are willing to help through their understand of the Bribri language and culture. While the translation is done, there is also some work needed to help these people to read the written word through reading primers.

Project Lead: David Jones
Supported by: Bribri Translation Committee, Wycliffe
Project Needs: Financial Support: $18,000 USD for 50% of project cost

Guaymi Bible Translation

Due to overpopulation in native territory and due to the pursuit of better wags and benefits, the Guaymi tribe of Panama has been spilling into Costa Rica in impressive numbers over the last decade or two. A tribe that was previously unknown to the Cabécar began to now even intermarry with them. For over ten years now David has been studying the Guaymi language and making inroads with the Guaymi, along with his wife and sons. David is finishing the translation of the gospel of Mark in the Bocas del Toro dialect of Guaymi. He plans to publish this book soon.

Project Lead: David Jones
Supported by: Native Language Informants
Project Needs: Printing Support: $2,000 USD for paperback reproductions