
Dental Clinics

Rebekah Stoll is a trained and licensed dentist. She dedicated years of study and hard work with the intention of returning to the mountain region to serve the Cabécar people. Even with some social medicine available, dental work is still a luxury. Many mountain people suffer from dental pain and lack the money to get relief. Rebekah and Joel built a dental clinic in their local village.

Ruth Jones is also trained as a dental hygienist and works with Rebekah in the clinic. She also takes the opportunity to witness to people while they wait for their turn in the dental chair. Rebekah provides the work for free or very modest costs. She was pretty excited when she had her first paying customer, who paid with a live chicken. Dental heath has improved the lives of many people in their village. They have been very blessed with tools and equipment. For awhile they were getting donations of consumable materials [masks, gloves, tips, dental materials and disposable gowns], but that support has stopped, so they are in praying for Gods provision.

Mobile Clinic

While many can come to the village for care, there are many elderly Cabécar who cannot make the long, difficult trip. Therefore, they have invested in portable equipment, generator and containers to take the clinic into the mountains. They pack everything onto horses and setup remote clinics.

Clinic Expansion

The clinic has helped many people from the mountains and in the village. Joel recently expanded the clinic to add another room for dental cleanings. They also added more exam rooms and waiting area. They have talked with other doctors about using the expanded space to provide other types of care. Recently a doctor has committed to come on a regular basis to provide prenatal care.

Project Leader:Rebekah Stoll
Supported By:Joel Stoll, Ruth Jones
Project Needs:Ongoing financial support for consumable materials
Financial support for cabinets, counters, and exam room equipment