Ruth grew up in the Chirripó mountains in Costa Rica. She studied theology at the Central American Seminary in Guatemala. She also studied dental hygiene at the University of Costa Rica.
Ruth joined Timothy and David Jones as a co-missionary in late 2018. She works alongside them and the translation team as the typesetter and occasionally as a consultant.
She also teaches Hebrew to one of main translators and Greek to one of the Cabécar interns.
Bible translation and literacy usually go hand in hand. For many years literacy had been put on the back burner due to the lack of personnel. Since joining, Ruth has revamped the previous Cabécar reading primer. This book is now in use by many people all over the Cabécar region. She also creates and designs material for the Cabécar after school program.
Please view the video below to learn more about this project.
Ruth also partners with Rebekah and Joel Stoll as a dental assistant in their ministry. Mainly by going with the mobile clinic on the trips to the mountains and working with an orthodontist that donates her time to the clinic.
Her passion is to help believers become critical thinkers of the Scripture. Starting by supplying a means to learn to read in their native language to supporting the bible translation so they have access to the Word in their language.