We invite you to partner with us to support the ministry work. First of all, we need your prayers, because there is no help greater than what your God can do for us. We love Jesus Christ and are always thankful for everything he has done for us. Even if all of our prayers go unanswered, we are forever grateful for what Christ has already done for us. It is the hope of eternal salvation that motivates us to praise and serve the One True God…The Almighty One.
About Your Donation
The River of God team is a group of mission supporters. We donate, just like you. We collect nothing for the work we do or the time we invest. There are some fees for financial transactions and credit card donations, but 100% of your net donation will go to the ministry project of your choice. If you have a larger donation and want to avoid fees from cutting to your donation, you can mail checks to address in the page footer. If you prefer to donate online, please use the information below.
How to Direct Your Donation
None of the families we work with are part of a mission organization that raises funds on their behalf. They live by faith and the generosity of faithful givers. To support them directly, use the information below:
Timothy & Eliza or David & Lucy
God’s Hands Extended
P.O. Box 915
Quitman, TX 75783
Designation- Grano de Oro Missions
(903) 878-2622
Click the PayPal Donate button
Link says JAMAICA MISSION INC who we are affilated with.
Be sure to say “Designation- Grano de Oro Missions”
Joel & Rebekah Stoll
P.O. Box 1045
Helotes, TX 78023
Ruth Jones
River of God, Inc.
P.O. Box 406
Zionsville, IN 46077
Donate online with the links below.
Donate Online for Projects or Our General Fund
If you wish to donate online use the link above. We use PayPal, which is a trusted and secure service. PayPal does charge fees (see below), but the full amount of your donation after the fees are taken will be applied to the ministry work. Please be aware that these fees can be significant, so we prefer that you use eCheck or PayPal transfers for donations over $160, because the fee are a fixed $5 or 30¢, respectively. If you prefer not to donate online, please call us and we will make arrangements that better meet your needs. You may designate how you want us to distribute funds or make a general donation and it will be directed towards the greatest ministry need.
PayPal Fees
- eCheck – $5.00 flat fee
- Credit Card – 2.9% + 30¢
- PayPal to PayPal account – 30¢
Contact Us
If you feel called to partner with us, please let us know. You can reach us to ask questions or to ask us to present the ministry work to your church or group. We are happy to setup a web meeting, or visit, if possible.